"Slightly" Corked Wines

I think when you are unsure about TCA taint in a wine it is best to let your glass sit for a few minutes and then smell it again without swirling. Soon after it is popped the TCA can hide behind the fruit if it is not heavy.


FWIW, I have on occasion had corked wines that definitely give what I would describe as a ‘tinny’ note on the palate, as this usually corresponds to the wine’s absence of fruit where the fruit should be. I would vote with Kris on this one.

Obviously if it doesn’t matter to someone, there’s no point in telling them not to enjoy the wine. Personally, I seem to have a high tolerance for it because in some cases I can happily drink a bottle that is clearly corked to me and others but repulsive to the others. (I’ve enjoyed an old Chevillon and an old Heitz cab that others turned up their noses at.)

But it is a legitimate question when a wine falls short of expectations. Because TCA has a way of suppressing flavors even when you don’t get a strong TCA aroma, the possibility naturally arises.

Exactly! And sometimes there seems to be no fruit on the palate.

In many cases, it becomes clearer with time in the glass: the TCA becomes more apparent or that funkiness dissipates, which suggests it was something else.

To me, wet cardboard is the best description, too.

I would add that I think reduced sulfur is another leading cause of what people describe as funkiness.