TN's: Vineyard Lunch Gang does Blind Cabs

Indeed. If you like that character, try sourcing from cooler sites or cooler regions where they can’t get the cab ripe enough to get rid of it.

A lot of stuff from SC Mountains actually does the trick. “Oh yeah…this is what Cabernet tastes like. I’m so used to raspberry espresso cocktails!”

Oh, definitely…completing the vineyard process! So, in your opinion, was the evolution of riper picking more the acts of producers trying to appeal to the tastes of critics, or a conscious effort to eliminate this characteristic from the grape?

Beats me! I don’t make cabernet anymore, but that doesn’t mean I won’t make sweeping generalizations about producers. I do think a lot of later picking is to stave off the green elements often found in cab. I think there’s definitely a green=not good theory that a lot of people hold, and I think its the easiest way to avoid that. But, like I said, I haven’t made Napa cab in years, so I’m not really qualified to say why they do what they do.