Winery credit card processor breach MERGED

I have been putting off changing credit cards for a few months now. Turley just helped me with the green light.

I got an email from Turley, but not from KB.

What I want to know is the COMPLETE list of wineries that MLN services. They should have come clean a week ago.


I searched for Turley Credit Card and came up empty. [shrug.gif]

Well there is this…

And the one started about a month ago. [wow.gif]

When I read the email I searched WB titles for Turley and Credit Card. Sorry but your threads did not meet the serch criteria. I had no idea in advance that this was more than a Turley issue. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for my egregious gaff!

Well, Brian, just maybe this one time…

I guess there’s a benefit to losing my wallet a couple of time a year.

Not sure it matters from a consumer perspective. It might be an interesting data point, but since all wineries are now offering in the same window, I don’t see how this matters once you receive first notice (e.g KB). Watch/Cancel your cards at this point. MLN’s customers are the wineries, they don’t have privity with us lowly consumers.

Why does this matter? What if every winery doesn’t inform? I buy from very few Cali wineries. I would like to know directly from the horse’s mouth if my cards are torched by them.

Eric, I with you here. Not every winery in CA uses this service. So, how do we know? I really won’t cancel my credit card every time a company is hacked. It is a tremendous pain in the ass what with Target and almost every other big company getting hacked.

I hear word the list is substantial. Looking on Missing Link (eCellar), if this is all the programs they are hooked into, it could be very very big list…

And right above that is this statement.

Wineries typically come to us after three vendor turnovers where they’ve tried to make incompatible systems communicate and work together. eCellar™ consolidates (on average) 3-5 of their systems into one.

So I don’t think that MissingLink is tied into all of those sites (and has nothing to do with payment processing on those sites). Rather it helps replace the use of those sites for wineries…

Turley is late to this party, which is interesting only to those who read Security Breach Notification Laws. My card was replaced with a chip due to this hack over two weeks ago and the old one had been shut down. HOWEVER, the chip is useless unless you use it on a swipe machine that is chip enabled and that is the big problem. Changing all swipe machines so that they are chip enabled will cost multiple billions of dollars. I have seen estimates but I can’t find them.

I do not see how a card with a chip will have any effect on mailorder sales where you insert your number into an Internet interface. I’ll have to ask someone who knows the technology better than I do, but I have my doubts.

Time to change my cc#…again…sigh

I just don’t know if that’s realistic. I know at one point both you and Todd used PayPal as your merchant provider. If PayPal was hacked, I’d expect them to notify you, so you in turn could notify your customers.

You say you only buy from a small # of CA wineries. I have accounts with over 100, and as of today, I’ve only received three messages from wineries, so I get your point. That said, I don’t know the T&C’s of MLN’s contracts. They may not be able to publish the list of merchants they service. They are, at their cost, offering credit monitoring to those who want it. Also note, they have notified the bank if you are an affected card holder.

Just got an email from Donelan on this same breach.

Add Donelan to the list.