Berserkerfest II Official Central Coast Golf Interest Thread

Ok, so just to get a feel for those interested in setting up some sort of golf shindig…thought we may as well start a little list. Since we have the better part of a year until we tee off, we can work out the course, fees, day-n-time, etc.

If we stick to the March 13th big event theme, then maybe we would play Friday the 12th (which is coincidentally my bday…)?

Those interested:

Me + 3
Phillip and Carey
Rob M
Bill L
Joe D
Brian London
Peter K
Glenn L
B Little
Paul K + 1
John C
Mark Hubbard
Bob Summers

Todd French and Cris Whetstone

Count me and Carey in!

I also like Friday the 12th.

I’m in.

Might as well sign me up. Friday sounds like the best bet since Saturday will be taken up with prep work and drinking.

I would love to Dan but I probably won’t arrive at Santa Barb Airport until sat at 11:30. It probably won’t work for me.

I play like shit and will probably rent clubs as well but put me down as interested. Can we BYOB including stems and corkscrews? [wink.gif]

Stelvin…ice cooler…plastic cups…usually bring grenache for red as it’s pretty tasty chilled. Rose is also a great golfing quaffer.

Bourbon is PERFECT for golf. I always have a flask handy.

Golf + Glenlivet is the traditional Scottish pairing.

I’m in + 1

Shilo and I are definitely in.

We need to make sure that the course we play has a kid’s tee or putt-putt.

Count me in. But if we are talking $100+ for the round, I’ll have to bow out.

I’m in

Unless in Ireland when it’s Golf and Bushmills/Jameson’s! Please count me in for golf as well. Will bring sufficient Bushmills for all.

Shitty golf is a pre-req. Did I forget to mention that in my initial post? neener

I always have a corkscrew in my golf bag. Lately, I’ve become a big fan of a white wine press during golf.

$100 and up is OUT! We can surely do better than that. Cypress Ridge is currently sub-$50 with cart due to the economy being lousy. That course is FAB…about 10 min. north of Santa Maria.

If you guys REALLY want a laugh, maybe I should go. I’ve never golfed before…

Sounds good to me! I am also complete crap hitsfan on the links. I am good for 3-4 decent shots a game (I don’t play much, but enjoy the game), and god knows where the rest end up. [scratch.gif] We thinking about doing a “best ball” style play to keep the parties moving, or is that too far in advance to worry about just yet?

Seeing all this interest actually makes me think a scramble would work. We could figure out some sort of scoring system to keep it fair and very casual…ie. a scoring system that rewards heavy drinking and inappropriate behavior.

Well, I can’t golf, but I’m good at the latter two…