SQN: a true Fan

Stranger on a train; I thought this was cool.

She did not know the wine, but decided she would try and get a bottle when I told her about it.


That’s commitment.

Without which not.

I think her photo would make a great label for Manfred’s next release

Did you happen to mention the cost?

What makes you think she can’t afford it?

Did you tell her that you would post her picture on a website comprised mostly of middle-aged, creepy, nerdy wine guys like us? [wow.gif] [wow.gif]

You are inferring something that I did not imply.

I did tell her the cost. Did not seem to worry her.

Please do not judge others if you are not happy with your self image. [pillow-fight.gif]

Did you tell her how much you love the wine :slight_smile: ?

Send Manfred the picture, could be the next label

How ironic. Neck ink is hardly essential. I will lay odds that in fifteen years she will be paying long money to have it removed. In the meantime, maybe on the other side of her neck she will get “The Prisoner”.

He did, and she almost let him see her DRC tattoo under her boob.


Shouldn’t be a problem. In fifteen years, it will be high shoulder. In thirty years, it will be low shoulder.


just normal ullage [snort.gif]

I foresee Manfred’s next label being called: “The Tattoo”

Now I am picturing a picture of Tattoo with the caption, “The Wine! The Wine!”


Surely you were able to suggest to her an affordable alternative?