Basques making a radical new wine (angering Spaniards)

The only Spaniards I know get irate whenever they start talking about their Basque brethren, especially if they’ve been drinking.

But this does seem to be an unusual outrage.

“None of us really liked normal wine, which comes with too many norms, such as whether you can take it with ice or not

Hilarious. Sometimes I think that other wine makers feel the same way.

The trouble is that we are trying to revolutionize an industry that has worked for centuries without making any change — and they control the rules of the game.


I like these guys. I wonder if it’s a natural wine.

Ugh this stuff again?

I was hooked by the Thread Title. When I clicked on the link, I felt like I had been “Rick-Rolled”. :neutral_face:

Glad to have a third thread about this.

That cuts both ways.

A friend was dining on the basque side of the border, on the edge of the Rioja region. They bought a bottle of Rioja to go with their meal. One of the local saw this, grabbed the bottle, poured it out the window and said “Don’t drink this Spanish shit”. He put a bottle of Basque wine on their table to replace it. They were intimidated enough (they were aware of the ‘troubles’ and this guy looked like he might know a bit on the subject) they just kept quiet and ate their meal, drank the wine and got out ASAP.

For those of us without logins, would you mind summarizing the article?

Here are the first few paragraphs:

Wine lovers have a language of their own, filled with colorful ways to describe how the drink is made and the many sensations that it conjures up.

But when it comes to describing a wine’s actual color, should a simple word like “blue” be banned?

A handful of young entrepreneurs from the Basque region of Spain challenged the country’s wine establishment in 2015 when they started selling a blue wine.

There is no disputing the wine’s color, a neon blue that comes from adding two natural ingredients, indigo dye and anthocyanin, a pigment found in grape skin.

And the accompanying photo:

Not to be outdone, Coldplay releases their wine…

I can see why the Spaniards are angered. It’s as if you had gone away for a couple of days, leaving your kids at home (for the first time alone), and returned to find that they had invited all of their friends over for a party, and that the friends had all peed into the pool.

I think the heat makes everyone crazy there.

It’s as if you had gone away for a couple of days, leaving your kids at home (for the first time alone), and returned to find that they had invited all of their friends over for a party, and that the friends had all peed into the pool.

Or the kitchen sink. Not saying that I know anything about that, but don’t leave all your dishes in the sink .