Garage storage of wines...a way to hide from the spouse?

How many of you store your wines in the garage, with or without a cooling unit?

Given the thin insulation and minimal security devices for most garages, that practice seems risky.

Wouldn’t it be a dead giveaway to your wife if you had a cooling unit keeping your garage at 55 degrees?

Not if one gives the spouse a big luxury SUV with poor rear-view visibility.
Of course, that tempts a crash, destroying the cache.

Not to mention posting about it on a real-names board.

That is why I started a separate thread.

I know may people who have done or do this. Myself included many moons ago. Usually simply because a garage has the required space and it is easy to cart said large heave object into. Sometimes because a spouse does not want an ugly wine cabinet in the house. Certainly a poor place to hide if that was someone’s goal. I believe that is what some use offsite storage for.

Does anyone else recall the thread a few years ago begun by Otto [_____] in San Diego? He discovered seven cases of wine he’d left in the garage for years and forgotten about and was wondering if they would be utterly cooked.


If you put the cooling unit in there, make sure that the cooler and the cabinet are specifically rated for areas with higher than normal temperatures.

It is just crucial to keep the sole key to your basement cellar in your key chain

Off site storage! This way no one can see what’s coming in or how many bottles I have!!

+1 for offsite storage, I rent several large lockers at a wine storage facility, my wife has no idea how much wine gets delivered there, and no idea how many bottles I own already.
seems to be working out

To prevent her from knowing how much you’re spending…or drinking? [drinkers.gif]

In addition to offsite storage, I also keep wine at home in an unlocked wine cabinet and I don’t lock up the house unless I’m going to be away for an extended period… There are still places in this country where burglaries are very rare (so far!).

I also don’t have broadband, which might give an idea about how small and seemingly forgotten my town is.

This was the case at my house until very recently. Learned the hard way.

Yes, even if one is in secluded area, locking up the garage only takes a minute. Many low skill burglars/thieves only hit those since they are often unlocked, or easy to enter compared to the main house, and there are often plenty of valuable / salable things in them. Power tools, bikes, cash in cars etc.

Even if one lived in a temperate/cool area, I don’t think keeping fine wine in the typical unhardened garage is wise.

Yes, of course, but if anyone wants into my house they’ll just go around back and break a window.

As for garage storage of a wine cabinet, I’d frame out, insulate and cool a room in the garage (maybe with a window rattler a.c.) and put the cabinet in that. Two-stage cooling, in effect.

Hide from the spouse?

Then how would I ask her to pick something out?

Given the tone of many of these Berserkers posts, I wonder why we do have wives anyway? It seems we are always just trying to work around them, or they don’t like the same wines we do, or they are vodka drinkers, etc…

I don’t have a problem hiding the wine…my problem is hiding the credit card bills!