Elitistreview.com reaches an impressive milestone

Hi boys and girls,

Whether you like it or not, Elitistreview has a lot of content. My last article published was the 1,500th article on my organ! I had no idea I had reached stick a milestone! Surely this calls for some form of celebration, so send your highest quality local fizz to Davy Strange, Elitistreview Towers,….

1,500 articles, since 1 August 2005! I have to say I’m damned impressed with myself! I was just totally unaware that such a milestone was about to be reached and so I don’t celebrate it with a review of some flash fizz! But thank you to my chum Howard and his guest post for dragging me to this impressive tally!

Thank you all the generous people over the years, from here and elsewhere, who have sent me bottles to review, paid my hosting fees, bought me lunch, etc. I couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you to everyone who’s ever read anything on the as well! Thank you all for supporting, in whatever capacity, a loony posting his sweary tasting notes, and so much more, on Elitistreview!



Congratulations Davy. That is certainly a big boy achievement.

I don’t know what to review for Opus 1,501! I’ve got nothing really flash in!

Between the heat spikes and smoke taint is 2017 California dead at retail?

Your organ?? [wow.gif]


Not that many Californian wines are actually on sale here in the UK. They have a willing local market with the required songs to pay!


It is just a term for one’s own publication, Markus - clean your mind up!

Well done Davy! Your prose is always entertaining.

Thank you, scamhi!

Thank you, Bill, that’s very kind!

You beat me to it!

Well, Bezos shares his organ along with the Washington Post. [cheers.gif]

Congrats Davy. Always enjoy your writing.

Well done.

Simply brilliant ol’ chap. Nicely done. I lift my glass in your general direction with a hearty huzzah.

Stiff competition

Congratulations Davy!

Congratulations! I always enjoy your writing.

Thank you! Thank you all! Perhaps I shouldn’t have mentioned it here, but I know a few of you follow Elitistreview and this is quite a big milestone for a loony to have reached on my blog. From 1 August 2005 until now, roughly 100 posts a year! Just don’t read anything before 2009 (they weren’t as good before I had CBT for psychosis) and definitely DO NOT read the post from Christmas morning 2010!!

Thank you for your kind words, all of you, especially the ones about my organ! :wink:


Congrats and glad to see you are still drinking and writing well! I hadn’t visited for a few years as I thought your health no longer allowed you to enjoy wine. I will revisit soon.