How much do you drink

How much wine do you drink on average

  • Less than a bottle a month
  • A bottle a month
  • 2-3 bottles a month
  • A bottle a week
  • 2-3 bottles a week
  • 4-5 bottles a week
  • bottle a day
  • more than a bottle a day average

0 voters

I know this has been done before but we have several newcomers and people trying to drink down cellars so thought its a harmless poll that should be run regularly, this should be your household so just you or including wife if they imbibe

I answered 2-3 bottles per week, but shared with my wife.

2-3 bottles a week & I share it with Anton’s wife too ! neener

Dinner requires wine.


My consumption tends to go up during weeks when there are a lot of WB polls.

3-4 bottles a week - shared.

2-3, shared with family and friends.

2-3/wk shared.


So far, there are two Berserkers I have got to get to know better!

not enough is the answer


Poll loses definition at the top end, so its flawed.

2-3 a week, shared

Normal consumption runs around 2-3 a week (shared w/ wife) which is typically on the weekends. However, if we are on vacation or it’s a holiday that number goes up significantly.

Our consumption is seasonal. Probably 4-5 during the winter, at least a bottle a day during the summer when we hang out with wine loving neighbors in the backyard. Seeing as it’s winter most of the year here in MN I voted 4-5.

Can someone introduce me to Anton’s wife?

Call 1-530-867-5309.

2-3 bottles a week for myself.If ihave
friends over more like 5 bottles

I am not sure what the pole accomplishes if anyone can vote on it irrespective of whether they are answering the question as an individual, a couple or a household, as that choice skews results.