When do you change your Coravin needle?

How do you know when it’s time to replace your Coracin needle?

Is this a spoof?

When it isn’t working anymore? What am I missing?

I’ve been using mine for years now. Literally hundreds of bottles. I’ve never changed the needle. Why would it ever just “stop working”? i have noticed that it takes more force to insert and (especially) to extract than it used to. My worry was that (similar to an AC filter), you’re supposed to just replace it regularly or there could be some consequence. For example, maybe over time, as it takes more force to use, the hole in the cork becomes bigger or more “torn”, resulting in a less secure resealing of the hole after extracting it…

When it tests positive for hepatitis or HIV Brett or TCA?

Any edge tool loses a bit of sharpness over time no matter what it’s cutting or piercing, and if it takes more force that’s a good sign that it has. If you’re up for DYI, and the needle is removable, can you lap the bevel on a whetstone? Or just order another?