TN: Bollinger Special Cuvée

First Bollinger for us. Opened to toast Jacqueline on Mother’s Day. We enjoyed this one. Not shy, full of character, but also well-behaved with excellent balance. A masculine champagne I would say, with no offense or slight intended. A gentleman. Fine bubbles in the glass race to the surface dance floor where they tap dance away. The mousse in the mouth is energetic, though with a small sip almost ephemeral – nothing left to swallow. Nuts, fruit, leesy goodness. Lovely stuff! More please.

P.S. Bollinger Champagne became connected with Bond films, post Sean Connery (aka the real James Bond). “Bollinger, neither shaken, nor stirred!”

Nice note, Jim. This is one of my favorite values in Champagne. I think it’s one of the rare cases where a big house does better than almost every grower in this price range. It’s actually the only example I can think of.

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I agree, for big house NV Champagne at $50ish price, this is my clear favorite.