Pisoni video--bud grafting (short but high quality)

In the spirit of sharing, as not everyone is on the Pisoni list, yet many of us hang around here because we want to learn…check out this video from Pisoni that was emailed out today. Pretty cool. 3 mins long.

I am still planning to get the Pisoni brothers to do a Zoom with their September Estate release. No date yet is planned but I will be pinging the brothers again about it, likely a date for August if we make it happen.

Saw this video earlier, it was nicely done. Jeff and Mark are great guys as is Gary. I would love to see them on Zoom.

Frank, you are my hero! Both in the wines you drink and other info you bring to the board!

Great video. I’d love to know who those guys actually doing the grafting are. It’s special work to do it well and they look like masters. I thought it was really cool hearing Joe Rochioli on I’ll Drink To That pod last year talking about his pride budding so many of the now old vineyards in the Russian River Valley. Angel Arias and his crew are legends in CA and here in OR. Great to see this kind of work up close.

Really illustrates that vineyard crews aren’t unskilled labor. I’d make a mangled mess if not slice a finger.

Very well done video and a great marketing tool, but I would have liked more specifics. For example; what was the root stock, and how long ago was it planted? Why did they choose that particular root stock? It was mentioned they selected the bud wood from their best vines, but how did they decide that, and what clone are they?

I was aware of vine grafting, but I never really understood exactly how it was done…The Pisoni video was very well done and really educated me on the subject. The men who were actually doing the grafting are obviously masters at their craft, and are the true heros of the vineyard.

Very interesting video. For those interested, Lucia releases next Tuesday (Gary’s and Soberanes).

I just tasted a fantastic Soberanes Syrah made by Sandlands that peaked my interest.