Someone is Playing a Joke on Me...

Opened my email this evening to an unexpected alcohol shipment coming this Friday (which is bad enough considering current temps in PA). Upon further inspection of the website of the sender, the below is one of the first items I see…

No one is currently claiming responsibility. Will update once the package arrives.



I’d demand that replacement bottles be shipped in the fall. They should never have shipped at this time of year.

At least toxic masculinity is delivered to the doorstep these days. neener

I do sincerely hope they got it for the member price

Boiled Rosé is the best!

There’s this wine called Sexy. The name is stupid but the wine is actually pretty good value - I love the oenologist in his more serious bottlings. You might be surprised! Or not.

Wasn’t me! What I’m sending you can withstand the heat. [cheers.gif]

I think this is apt…


My daughter just pranked a friend with a service that anonymously sends a random amount of pasta between 10 and 100 pounds. She hit the jackpot and they delivered 100lbs of penne to her friend.

For some reason this song popped into my brain.