Rudy on Instagram

Instagram has suggested that I follow Rudy Kurniawan. This could be great. Fabulous pictures of him drinking his last bottles of '47 Romanee Conti, perhaps with famous auctioneers and wine industry personalities.

I am looking forward to shots of him making pruno !

Do share the links!

Who cares, it’s just a fake profile.

For a moment I forgot I was on a wine forum.

I was expecting Giuliani.

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the fake Rudy on Facebook seems to have run out of funny, maybe he can make some more?

I hope nobody here plans to name a child Rudy. Seems like a curse.

Don’t tell Notre Dame fans that!

Christ turned water into wine.
Rudy turned Marcassin into DRC.

A parallel for Notre Dame fans??

A fairly short run compared to the real Rudy. Probably because fake funny is so much more different than the real thing than fake wine.