Wine-Searcher down?

I am getting a 503 certificate expired. When I search. Does anyone else have this problem?

Yes, same

I thought it was just my computer but tried on my laptop and got the same problem. Hopefully they get it back online soon!


What do we do if we start getting jitters/withdraw symptoms.

My Amex seems to be enjoying this downtime.

Working for me

Yeah, me too.

Working again …

Works for me.

Right on top of things fellas

Err, you know that CellarTracker and Wine-Searcher are different sites, different companies. I am not your “fella” and have nothing to do with Wine-Searcher. Clearly they were down. Clearly they fixed it pretty quickly. I had nothing to do with either.

“The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley." - Robert Burns.
Apologies for the 503 error.

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my PRO version hasnt been filtering for STATES correctly for the past couple of weeks. if i set to a particular state only, say “NY” it will continue to show me retailers from other states. And Yes, i am aware of the “who will ship to me button”… i will have that unchecked and still see offers from other states.

Email Ross

Thanks Tom, Hi A.B ud res.

Rather than show nil results when there are no listings available for sale in the state you searched for, Wine-Searcher automatically expands your search criteria to give similar suggestions from farther afield. If a search fails to find an exact result, we say ‘Currently no prices for: NY’. and the technology will auto-expand your search to look further afield to other states. Or expand to a different vintage if we can’t find the exact vintage you searched for. This ‘Expand search’ function can be turned ON/OFF in search settings. Please look in the account menu under your name.