Happy Bobby Burns Day!

How one New York bar celebrates Scotland’s National poet. My blog: http://www.corkscapsandtaps.com/?p=1097

Alan, thanks for posting this. I really enjoy Robbie Burns celebrations, we have friends (who are not even Scottish!) who, every few years, throw a big party. Guests come in kilts or formal dress, and there are the traditional dishes. A couple of times I took charge of the Cockaleekie soup, and gave it a Japanese tilt. All of the normal ingredients but a super-clear chicken broth and chunks of chicken and potatoes that looked a little like tofu cubes, plus tender cooked leek greens that had the appearance of wakame seaweed.

Of course there were Scots guests usually including at least one with a thick brogue who would recite the ode to a Haggis (which was stabbed with a dirk at the appropriate time). I think they found the haggis in Kearney NJ which has some Scots living there.

There was a Scotch tasting after dinner which generally gave me some practice with DUI on the way home…

If I had remembered it this year we certainly would have done something appropriate. The date slips past me unless our friends are having their party. Once or twice we’ve found a local restaurant that’s celebrating but that is unusual. I will try to keep St Andrews in mind for next year.

I need to do this next year.