New house build - wine storage location = bad idea?

Hi all!

So we’re in the process of designing our forever home. As modest wine drinkers, we aren’t building a huge cellar but more of a “closet” to store a few hundred bottles. After many revisions, we finally came upon a plan with our designer that worked, and checked off all the boxes…but then at the last minute I realized that perhaps having the wine storage so close to the media room could be bad news because of vibration? It will be opposite the back wall of our media room. I’m sure some speakers will be on the wall. I feel like the wife will hit the fan if we have to make more revisions, as this was so difficult to come up with. Am I overthinking this?


I think it’ll be fine; it’s not like the room is constantly going to be vibrating.

It will be fine. The problem I see is that it is way tooooo small.

It’s like RAM, take the high estimate of what you think you might need down the road and double that. Treble if you’re under 35.

I’d worry more about a wine compressor affecting the quality of my audio electronics!

If you are designing still, make sure your audio gear is on its own circuit and that the wine room compressor is well damped/isolated.

The only concern I have is you might want to make the media room the wine room after you run out of space! Don’t worry and enjoy!