Keurig, Tassimo, Nespresso?

I have my daily coffee situation taken care of but I have frequent guests that don’t like what I make. They are more the Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks crowd. So I am looking at an individual serving coffee maker. There is lots of information on line but it is hard to figure out.
It seems the Keurig is the market leader but I am intrigued by Tassimo. I have used Nespresso in hotels and it seems pretty decent.

I would like something higher end that I could use on occasion.

Your advice is appreciated.


When my cardiologist suggested I try to remove caffeine from my daily routine I bought a Keurig HOT. On sale (and with my wife’s employee discounts at the retailer she works for) it was around $50. My biggest problem has been finding a decaf coffee as each market I try has 50+ caffeinated K-cup products and maybe 4-5 decafs. So… you’ll have no problem finding endless types for guests. The unit is simple to use and quicker that our Cuisinart (my wife still uses that one). The only issue I’d see, if you have many guests (or they drink lots of coffee) is that the water reservoir holds about 2 cups and then has to be topped up. I also have the sense that the coffee it makes is not as hot as my wife’s Cuisinart’s product… an issue if you use a cold creamer.

No - pretty much individual guests. So that sounds good. We have a large standard drip coffee maker and a French press and a pour over but I need something more convenient that can do 1-2 cups.


It probably depends if you are looking for drip style coffee or espresso basses coffee (e.g. Americanos). Nespresso and Tassimo are both espresso based, Keirig is drip style. Most coffee folks seem to prefer Nespresso/Tassimo.

Recycling those pods is not easy. Ironic to see Green Mountain pods, for that reason.

When they say Green Mountain what they mean is Brown Landfill.

Of the pod based machines I have tried, Nespresso is clearly the best. Which does not mean it’s great.

Todd really likes the Colonna pods for Nespresso. I haven’t tried Tassimo but agree that Nespresso is better than Keurig. But also agree that that it isn’t great (though I haven’t tried the Colonna pods).

K.I.S.S. You said they are the Dunkin Donuts crowd. Go with a Keuring. The pods are available everywhere.

Whatever debate there is about Nespresso, it’s much, much better than Keurig. I bought a Nespresso for my office because I just can’t stand the Keurig here.

Agreed. However Keurig is much better than Flavia.

Ha. I just looked and my work machine is actually Flavia. It’s vile.

+1 on this
even the best of the ltd nespressos are lacking

Is Flavia a portmanteau of the grossest sort?

Another option is the Delonghi Magnifica - uses beans ground for each individual cup with a range from espresso to longo. We love ours. No pods. We also have a Nespresso. Both are just as easy to use.

Interesting that Antonio G. just posted about his lunch at Le Bernadin and mentioned everything was excellent other than the confusing fact that they used a Nespresso, which perhaps isn’t worthy of a ***.

I was surprised, but Nespresso claims this:

almost 40% of the US Restaurants rated “the World’s 50 best” such as Daniel and Le Bernardin in New York and The French Laundry in California use Nespresso Business solutions