Wagu/Kobe question

I know next to nothing about this exaulted flesh. The Germans have been getting into good steak, and have been getting better at it, lately.

Is €400/kg a comparable price?

In the US, I buy wagyu from a place called crowdcow.com. They have some great articles explaining Japanese beef and you can take a look at what they get per pound for A5 wagyu
(in USD) as a basis of comparison.

There are all different grades / types of Japanese Wagyu. If you stick with A5, there are lots of different producers where the price can really vary. There are competitions, awards presented, etc. Also different ‘terroirs’ for different regions in Japan. For me, I want to pay less than $100 per lb (and closer to $75 per lb) for A5 that’s from a good quality but not one of the unique purveyors, so consider that a base good quality cost. So that’s between say Euro175 and Euro250 per kg. These prices are when I buy in ‘bulk’, so an entire stripling or ribeye loin (about 6-8 kg). Prices go up from there…

Thank you both ofr the info! As I said, I know nothing about this, and I about had a petit mal when I saw the price.