Las Vegas - Concert/Show Tickets

What is the best method to buy tickets to concerts or shows in LV? Stubhub in advance or roll the dice/schmooze once in town and hope the hotel can secure a good deal/comped tix?

Depends on the show and where you are staying. Are you staying at a hotel where you will be gambling and do you have a host? Often times your host can secure tickets for you. Are staying in town during the week or on the weekend? At peak times or off? During the week and at off times it is pretty easy to walk up day of or week of and get tickets to most shows. During busy times you may want to involve your hotel prior. You can call and they will make show reservations for you. If you are a member of any of the various players clubs you may get some priorities. Booking with outside companies you will have to pay fees, etc.

Tix4Tonight has booths all over the strip with same-day discounts for most of the shows and residency music acts, but not one-off concerts.