1990 La Chapelle, REALLY?

Thank you both!!! Always good to have multiple points of view! [imnewhere.gif]

Marshall [cheers.gif]

I had 89 in July and 90 last week, both wines are tight, and could use another 20 years.

To the question of why has so much been opened lately, the winery reconditioned a bunch of bottles and released a bunch more last year or the year before. The 90 we had last week was a reconditioned bottle. It actually had to capsules, a clear one under a traditional tin foil. Thought that was odd.

Well it seems Cheryl wants to lick my bottles… wants to lick what again??.. [bye2.gif] oh wait, wants to lick the glass… my mistake… so that’s one bottle.

but next time you’re out let’s get together with D&C and do a dinner with the 90 La Chapelle. Dick will think it is younger than even I do.

I agree with Cheryl… I don’t doubt that this could gain complexity but that doesn’t mean it’s not fantastic now either. Better in 20? I think that’s a personal call.