2008 Thomas Pinot Noir Release Letter

Are others still waiting for orders to arrive? My check cleared the 9th, have not seen anything yet (and am located in Portland, OR).

Check down at Pioneer Courthouse Square. Maybe some of the kids with the piercings, tats, dog collars, skateboards and pit bulls nabbed it.

My check finally cleared the end of last week and the wine arrived today.


My check cleared, hoping the wine is waiting at work for me!

Thanks guys, I left a message on the Thomas answering machine yesterday and a case was hand delivered by a green VW Passat this afternoon! I was not around to receive the delivery, but happy for the wine to be safe in the cellar for the time being. Cheers

Had a 1998 and 2007 (was decanted overnite) side by side the other week and was not impressed. Very thin and almost spritzy, green flavors and tannic. These descriptors can be used universally for both wines.

Maybe just off bottles but I tend to agree with John’s thinking and will spend my money elsewhere.

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[quote=“T. Schaffler”]Had a 1998 and 2007 (was decanted overnite) side by side the other week and was not impressed. Very thin and almost spritzy, green flavors and tannic. These descriptors can be used universally for both wines.

Maybe just off bottles but I tend to agree with John’s thinking and will spend my money elsewhere.[/quote

Finally! I was thinking about this issue last night, wondering why some people are die hard, and have such great luck with this wine, and I’ve had it six times now and the last one was the first one I ever liked, quite a lot actually, but the others i had were so “off.” I would imagine, since the wine is bottled barrel to barrel still, if I’m not mistaken, if you buy a case or six pack, you might be getting bottles from one barrel, or if you have a great single, you may have got one of the great ones. Hence the opposite applies to getting a bottle thats not as pleasing. I’ve had wnie at some of my favorite producers from barrel and wondered, “How are you ever going to make that barrell taste better?” If I could get the same bottle I had the other day, every time, I’d pack a cellar full of it too.

In other news, It was fun getting temporarily crucified on my first post on Berzerkers because I had a non-popular view and some, not all, people are too pretentious to understand sarcasm and or humor. [rofl.gif] Its just wine, not life insurance.

[quote=“T. Schaffler”]
Had a 1998 and 2007 (was decanted overnite) side by side the other week and was not impressed. Very thin and almost spritzy, green flavors and tannic. These descriptors can be used universally for both wines.

Maybe just off bottles but I tend to agree with John’s thinking and will spend my money elsewhere.[/quote

Finally! I was thinking about this issue last night, wondering why some people are die hard, and have such great luck with this wine, and I’ve had it six times now and the last one was the first one I ever liked, quite a lot actually, but the others i had were so “off.” I would imagine, since the wine is bottled barrel to barrel still, if I’m not mistaken, if you buy a case or six pack, you might be getting bottles from one barrel, or if you have a great single, you may have got one of the great ones. Hence the opposite applies to getting a bottle thats not as pleasing. I’ve had wnie at some of my favorite producers from barrel and wondered, “How are you ever going to make that barrell taste better?” If I could get the same bottle I had the other day, every time, I’d pack a cellar full of it too.

In other news, It was fun getting temporarily crucified on my first post on Berzerkers because I had a non-popular view and some, not all, people are too pretentious to understand sarcasm and or humor. Its just wine, not life insurance.


Could somebody with some computer sophistication check out this guy’s IP address for me, because I have this wild hunch that “John Lewis” is really Greg Piatigorski. How could there be two people on Earth with the same bad writing skills, unlimited desire to pick up the same arguments over and over, and unlimited abrasiveness? It’s gotta be Greg! I’ll eat my hat for lunch if I’m proven wrong.


Could somebody with some computer sophistication check out this guy’s IP address for me, because I have this wild hunch that “John Lewis” is really Greg Piatigorski. How could there be two people on Earth with the same bad writing skills, unlimited desire to pick up the same arguments over and over, and unlimited abrasiveness? It’s gotta be Greg! I’ll eat my hat for lunch if I’m proven wrong.[/quote]

Sorry Mitch, I am who I say I am, not “Greg”, so get out the ketchup and start on your hat for lunch, if you want to eat my shorts for dessert, I’ll go double or nothing. I wish I was a better writer, then I wouldn’t have to grow trees for a living, but I’m really good at that. I didn’t see the writing exam before I signed up for this board, but I do like the board a lot both for the info similar and differring to my opinion and how I taste. I feast off pretentiousness, it cracks me up, and I think your damn funny right now. Believe it or not, I have class too, just happen to be a joker too. Didn’t mean to leave you butt hurt, but good lord. Can we kiss and make up, I will double check with you before I ever say anything that could hurt your feelings about a wine you like and I happen to dislike. You can even correct my spelling, I’m not the best at it, but I do have a decent palate a respectable cellar and know a tiny bit about wine. If my opinion is other than your own, and you dislike my phrasing or descriptors, sorry. I even retracted once I had a great bottle saying “i have been wrong before.” [berserker.gif] I do love your virtual sandbox confidence though. Cheers!

Sorry Mitch, I am who I say I am, not “Greg”, so get out the ketchup and start on your hat for lunch, if you want to eat my shorts for dessert, I’ll go double or nothing. I wish I was a better writer, then I wouldn’t have to grow trees for a living, but I’m really good at that. I didn’t see the writing exam before I signed up for this board, but I do like the board a lot both for the info similar and differring to my opinion and how I taste. I feast off pretentiousness, it cracks me up, and I think your damn funny right now. Believe it or not, I have class too, just happen to be a joker too. Didn’t mean to leave you butt hurt, but good lord. Can we kiss and make up, I will double check with you before I ever say anything that could hurt your feelings about a wine you like and I happen to dislike. You can even correct my spelling, I’m not the best at it, but I do have a decent palate a respectable cellar and know a tiny bit about wine. If my opinion is other than your own, and you dislike my phrasing or descriptors, sorry. I even retracted once I had a great bottle saying “i have been wrong before.” I do love your virtual sandbox confidence though. Cheers!

I didn’t intend to start a cat-fight John. I was simply attempting to be humorous, admittedly at your expense and Greg’s (though Greg always had a reputation of being much more personable in 3D than his cyber-personna suggested (though then-again, you would have to be Jeffrey Dahmer to be much worse)). Anyhow, someone already PMed me that they have met you and you and Greg indeed do not violate the Pauli exclusion priniciple. Do me a personal favor and don’t perseverate on hating me the way you vilify Thomas. I don’t need any more enemies. I have enough already. I humbly apologize for my jab and wish you, sincerely, well. Particularly in your studies. As an aside, few people on this Board are impressed with the size of someone else’s cellar. The corrollary being that any as*hole with enough money can buy a big cellar full of wine. Also, I am glad you at least spelled “palate” correctly. Kills me when people spell it “pallet”.


I didn’t intend to start a cat-fight John. I was simply attempting to be humorous, admittedly at your expense and Greg’s (though Greg always had a reputation of being much more personable in 3D than his cyber-personna suggested (though then-again, you would have to be Jeffrey Dahmer to be much worse)). Anyhow, someone already PMed me that they have met you and you and Greg indeed do not violate the Pauli exclusion priniciple. Do me a personal favor and don’t perseverate on hating me the way you vilify Thomas. I don’t need any more enemies. I have enough already. I humbly apologize for my jab and wish you, sincerely, well. Particularly in your studies. As an aside, few people on this Board are impressed with the size of someone else’s cellar. The corrollary being that any as*hole with enough money can buy a big cellar full of wine. Also, I am glad you at least spelled “palate” correctly. Kills me when people spell it “pallet”.[/quote]

I’m ready to kiss and make up and drink wine already! I’ll even bring some Thomas, I appreciate your response either way. I swear people do like me a little and I think I only know about 4 people off the board in 3D, but they are way cool.I can be taken the wrong way and online does not have any expression, so all is cool. I love wine and I love talking wine, this board has been so fantastic at feeding my love for gabbing about wine and feeding my sponge like nature for learning more.

Had a 1998 and 2007 (was decanted overnite) side by side the other week and was not impressed. Very thin and almost spritzy, green flavors and tannic. These descriptors can be used universally for both wines.

I just wanted to verify what you wrote here. You decanted them overnight? Can I cask if someone recommended this to you or was your idea? I just haven’t heard of anyone doing this with these wines. If you have more 1998, maybe we can arrange a trade.

When we lived in the Portland Metro area (between 1997 and 2002), we would run into John 2-3 times a year at wine shops either when he was making deliveries or when he was pouring at a tasting . I find it funny that a gadabout like Bob would not have similar experiences. Of course, I don’t think I ever met Bob in that same timespan, so clearly our social habits differed. I’ve had small bottle variation on some of John’s wines, but nothing I’d ever note as abnormal - most of it I’d write off as simply serving setting variation. I have also heard complaints of brett. in recent bottlings. I’ve not had enough sampling to make a ruling there, but certainly don’t find brett. to offend in the '98, '99, '00, and '02 samples I’ve had in the past 18 months.


I hear brett mentioned about a few other Oregon producers that have been around a while (25 years+), does that have something to do with age of the production facility? I don’t hear anything about the NKOTB having that problem.

I too have had spritzy bottles and there was a little on the Thomas I had a few weeks back, but it wasn’t offensive. I get this often from Beaux and Ken Wright, but they seem to blow off, sulphur obviously. So what’s the deal when it doens’t blow off, because I’ve had those too. Just a bad bottle at that point I imagine.

Can we get back to the original topic? Anyone else East of the Mississippi still waiting for their Thomas to be delivered? I have always received the first shipment in the past, but this year I am waiting for John’s second shipment due to up-ing my order from 6 to 12.

Mine arrived in St. Louis last week. While, technically, not East of the Mississippi, I’m close.

I received mine in ATL the day before Thanksgiving. Haven’t tried it yet, though…

Mine arrived today

Only the 07 was decanted over nite. 98 was popped and poured. The 07 was not mine but was opened and tried the day before and based on taste was recorked and let sit until we tried it the next day. The owner of the bottle said upon opening it, it was almost undrinkable. Very woody and thin.

If Thomas is your cup of tea, great, just isn’t for me. I should note, I do love Oregon Pinot. The 98 Thomas was bought on release while out in Oregon and properly cellared since. Sorry was my last one otherwise would be open to trade.

OK so has anyone opened an 08 Thomas yet?
