2017 Arterberry Maresh Chard

I was in Portland two weeks ago for a bicycle trip out of Oakridge but managed two visits; Goodfellow and Kelley Fox. At both, I focused on the chards. We all go through our personal evolutions/explorations and right now Oregon chard is mine. You can’t visit at Kelley Fox without Maresh the vineyard and Jim Maresh figuring prominently in the conversation. Maresh fruit is the crown jewel in Kelley’s portfolio but she gets Maresh pinot only s’far as I know. Dustin conducted the tasting but Kelley came in halfway through and added some input. Presently Kelley offers a Weber and a Durant chard and I have no doubt she would love to get some Maresh but Jim has already made it clear that he does not have enough, presumably even for Kelley. I bought the Kelley Fox Weber and Durant, but my favorite chard of the trip was Marcus’ 2017 Whistling Ridge. Marcus was a great source of information about the evolution of chard growing and production in Oregon. The '17 Whistling Ridge Chard is $35 before discount and imo is an incredible wine and an even more incredible bargain.

Sounds like good timing for this package which just got to my house! (sorry it’s off-center)