800 bottle wine cooler question

I’m thinking of buying the 800 bottle unit to last 3-4 years while I save for the build out. Do the cooking units offer extended warranties?

I’ve often wondered about the “rooms”. Does anyone on this thread have experience or opinions about those?

I had a pre-fab room before we moved to our new home where I built out a 1000 bottle cellar from a walk in closet. I bought the room used, took it out of a guy’s storage locker. and had it rebuilt in about half a day with two people. It held 800 or so bottles, double deep on one side, and single deep on the other. I installed motion sensing lights, which made it nice and bright. The thing lived in an unfinished part of our basement, and served us well for years. The breezeaire cooling unit went bad once, so I got a new one. I’m using that same unit now to cool our proper cellar. Only reason I didn’t rebuild the room in the new house is that we couldn’t find a good place for it! The ceilings are lower here, and there wasn’t really anywhere to put it. Otherwise I’d still be using it. All that said, I LOVE having a proper cellar, all organized and inventoried. It’s great fun going in there to pick out a bottle of wine.

Good luck with your process – that’s wherein the joy lies!