Allergic to Balsam of Peru - No wine allowed

Two ways to look at this:

  1. People really think there is Balsam of Peru being placed in their wines? I can see where an ‘expert’ might figure people aren’t bright enough to figure things out, so instead of saying “Avoid alcolohic products with this ingredient or its ilk, just avoid it all.”

So, that falls into the realm of uncertain veracity.

  1. Play a Jamesian game. Avoid wine for 6 weeks and see how you are doing. Then, add it back and see what happens. In theory, you should get corellation from both stopped and resuming.

Article from UC Davis…

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That’s definitely the way to go. At least 6 but preferably 8 weeks. And reintroduce slowly. If wine is really a problem you’ll know it. If not, you can safely continue enjoying it.

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This is hilarious. Giving advice on a 10 year old thread to a guy who has been banned for three years.

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What don’t you understand about thread drift.

This is thread necrophilia.

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But here you are

Purely for entertainment.

I figured he had only been banned for 1 year. My mistake.

I dont recall this guy for some reason? What did he do to get banned?

The Balsam of Peru Consortium conspired to have him blackballed.

I think i remember hearing about that. Sad really.

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Honestly, I didn’t notice that at all. I don’t routinely look at the date of the posts.
Anyway, his last posts, from 2019/2020, do have discussion about wines, so presumably he did not succumb to balsam of Peru toxicity

No formal warning?