AMA - William Kelley edition - 12/09/2020 5:30PST



Charlie, I’d be interested. Please PM.

I would jokingly say sent like I did with Todd, but then i’d get 19 PMs in a hour

This is my favorite thread in a long time

For those that can’t make it, we’ll post the video, sheesh! If we have enough demand, maybe we need to do a repeat, or I should raise the number of max attendees for one session. Then we’d have too many questions…might want to do this as a moderated video instead, where questions are submitted and vetted ahead of time?

+100 to a moderated video, where questions are submitted and vetted ahead of time

As much as I enjoy this forum, the last thing anybody wants to watch are grandiose comments in the form of questions, and long winded, ‘thank you so much for doing this blah blah blah’ preludes to an actual question.

yeah, that’s certainly a concern. But don’t worry - i’m a dick, so that’ll be cut short quick

  1. you don’t need to tell William what you’re drinking and how you’re enjoying it
  2. no pleasantries needed - just jump into the question.

Sign me up please.

Should we PM our questions with our invite requests?

Next PM = 24 hr suspension.

Effective 12-9

I just pm William directly, if Mods would fix the pm system I might get a response one day.

Why is Boris Johnson stuck in my outbox?

What system is that, exactly? It’s always worked. When you have something in your outbox, it’s because the person to whom you sent it hasn’t looked at it. Could be because he/she doesn’t check the email address used at registration, or, said person doesn’t want to read your PM [snort.gif]

Also, a quick search for the term ‘outbox’ results in a myriad of results/answers

Sorry to have riled you up Todd [cheers.gif] I might be new around here, but I Still don’t pester William with the bottles I am popping. Attempting a joke about why I don’t need Zoom niceties ect. I’ll leave the search joke at the door at this point. Carry-on hitsfan

No one has a Zoom account that can handle more than 100 people?

Sign me up also

Just putting this out there, but a Zoom webinar licence for 500 attendees costs $140. If everyone chips in, it becomes pretty cheap, even for a one time use.

Bumping this as a reminder for next week!

I was under the impression that the William Kelley AMA was open 365 days a year via threads and PMs. The dude is an open book and makes himself ridiculously available.

AMA = Ask Me Anything (get with the program, Boomer!)