Any general advice and tips for first-timer ?

I have to close the Previews because there’s a bunch more work to do before BerserkerDay - participants often edit their posts, I have to arrange them all into groups for launch times, etc.

Wow! I did not know that this was happening now… I want to participate but kind of on a limited budget as I don’t have access to proper wine storage… I’ll keep an eye out for those nice $15-25 deals that Dan Hammer mentioned.

Keep an eye out for Sandler.

I think this is the third cosign I’ve seen on Sandler so I guess I’ll break my cherry with them. I don’t see them listed here yet but they do have some Berserker deals on their website… Is that it? or is there something else that’s going to happen when they post here?

The Master Thread has all this info neener

It just got posted.

I was certainly tempted (and by some offers wickedly) but in the end I was pleased (and also a bit surprised) by the remaining strength of my “rational” mind. My restrained and sensible purchases were a six-pack of PN, a six-pack of whites, and some nice wine glasses. I came out of my first BD in a “good” place for me. Thanks for the advice and tips. Thanks to all the wineries and businesses who put those tempting offers out there. -Jim (OP)