BerserkerDay 13 Master Thread/FAQ - RECORDS SET YET AGAIN!

Not this year!! They are the ‘1st prizes’ in the raffle, with the one ‘unicorn wine’ Grand Prize flirtysmile

Thank you - and I agree that Metrick does some great wines. I hope Alex participates this year, but not sure. I missed Shiba Wichern last year, so hope to get some this year!

love the raffle bottle idea!


The AFWE rides again!

I signed up for GCC for a preview and plan ahead as mentioned above. Last two years felt like those WalMart black Friday videos scrambling from thread to thread trying to figure out my purchases. It’ll be nice to have that sorted out a day in advance.

More hints, please.

I second that for Sabelli-Frisch - one of the best discoveries I had from last year!


I hear that what the really cool kids are doing this year is to organize a pre-BerserkDay tasting, with a former BerserkerDay Champion and past BerkerDay wines, the night before Berserker Day 13 to plan and strategize the madness of the day. [cheers.gif] [berserker.gif] [berserker.gif]


Super secret link to follow soon


Say what??

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[berserker.gif] [berserker.gif] [berserker.gif] [berserker.gif] [berserker.gif]

We will also have some past BerserkerDay Gourmets of Spain condiments and maybe a conserva or two.

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I will make sure i wear my bedazzled jean jacket…

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Looking forward to my first BD! Thanks to the veterans for their wisdom, strategies and humor.

Good luck StevieG. Its a fun day. Be prepared to spend lots of money for amazing values.

I hope Ladd Cellars participates again. I really enjoyed their chardonnays

Patty Green??? Drank my case of the muscat ottonel over the course of about 3 weekends on the golf course! God, I would order 5 cases of that stuff this year!