Ceritas 2022 Late Spring Release

Ceritas Peter Martin Ray Cab release now live. Impossible to resist, but at $125/bottle, it is getting reeeeeeal pricy. Feels like I paid $85-90 last time and was hoping to pick up 3 or 4 bottles this time, but at that price had to stop at 2.

Agreedā€¦ tough price hike! I feel slightly better that its one of the only cabernets I buy every year, but I definitely canā€™t go for the half case as I was hoping.

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I am in the same boat.
Missed the last few years; last purchase was the 2016 at $90.
May have to open one of the 2016s soon.

Easy pass for me since I drink very little CA cab anymore. Ceritas chards are what really float my boat.