Hello All!
Sorry for the delay on the raffle results! I really appreciate everyone who purchased wine. I would love to know what your favorites are. NOW for the RAFFLE WINNER!!!
I used a random number generator and the winner is Anthony Gigante! Congrats! These wines will ship out later this spring as I need to finish the labels. Below are the details on the wines…
If you know anything about Antica Terra, they are all about the blends and don’t do vineyard designates. EXCEPT, they let me create a Pinot Noir blend and a Chardonnay blend from Carlile’s Crest (only 10 cases of each). These wines will be under the E Feme Real label. We donated one pair of these 2022 wines for the BD 16 auction and we are also going to raffle off another set to someone who purchases our wine during BD 16! Buy some great wine and have a chance to WIN!
Thanks all!