Commerce Corner Suggestion/Mild Rant

My purchases from CC have all been outstanding, but I buy from sellers that provide good disclosure. If there is no price noted, I just move on regardless of interest. I typically move on as well if no location noted.

I’m glad when the prices aren’t listed; it’s a thoughtful step by the seller to keep me from buying more wine!

[cheers.gif] [welldone.gif]

I’ve also suggested (can’t remember if it was here or on eBob - but worth repeating) that including your location is helpful to people who might be interested in buying and meeting-up for the transaction with someone local, but who wouldn’t be interested in having something shipped.

I would definitely like to see location listed, as it matters when I’m factoring in shipping costs, shipping temps/need to hold, the possibility of pick-up, etc. I don’t see any reason to withhold price, either, but maybe there are reasons a seller would prefer to do this? Anyone have an idea why this would be preferred?

Andrew, my guess is that it’s one or more of three things:

(1) the old adage about how you’re better off going second in the negotiation than first. The seller may be hoping that a few buyers might offer more than he would have asked for the wines.

(2) the seller is just too lazy or uncertain to come up with a price, and so he’s throwing them out there to see what someone might offer for them.

(3) the seller isn’t necessarily committed to trying to sell these wines, but is trolling to see if someone might offer an amount which makes him sufficiently motivated to sell them.

I thought that was lipstick?

The lipstick is the promise of good storage conditions… All pigs got lipstick in The CC :wink:

I particularly enjoy the posts where the seller says “local transactions only” but their location is no where in their profile or post.

I ignore sellers who don’t list a price…

If I have to personally inquire about the price, I know I can’t afford it. No point in asking.

I don’t like bidding against myself and request a price, too.

Great idea — we need a “foe” option added to CT! (Right after the Coravin feature is added.) :wink:

Same here. No listed location and/or provenance is also an automatic ignore, for me.

Someone should start a poll on this.

I am in agreement though. No price or ask to pm and i move on.

I don’t agree. I plan to open a wine store when I retire called “If You Have To Ask.” Credit card transactions only. None of the wines will have prices on them or shelf talkers. Those things are like telephone poles and electric wires marring an otherwise beautiful residential street. Just the wines, pure and simple. When you select your wines and pay for them, we hold on to the receipt. At the end of each fiscal year we bill your card once, for all of the wine you’ve purchased in the previous year, and send you the receipts by mail. Only then do you “learn” the trivia of how much the wines actually cost, as if that were relevant to a true wine lover.

It will be a beautiful, beautiful store, with oil paintings, Enya playing 24/7, scented oils, a masseuse and masseur on standby. And no Coravin, no samples, no tastings. If you need to taste a wine ahead of time to decide what you think about a wine, then you just don’t know wine and get the hell out of my store. And give me back my Mont Blanc.