Condensation in Eurocave

This is a good reminder to swap out the filters. In an effort to reduce problems with mold I just bought sliding shelves for the whole unit (I have 3) and that largely did the trick. I do still notice some labels in the back shelves show mild signs of mold starting.

I really should’ve thought of that! Any source you’ve had good luck with in particular?

I think I got it at a pet supply or on line .

I had lots of mold forming on bottles and labels in the one I used to use. I took everything out, cleaned walls and bottles with distilled vinegar, and replaced the wine, being careful to make sure nothing was in contact with that back wall. Condensation was reduced, and the mold didn’t come back. A little moisture from opening the door might be okay, but we had water dripping down the back. That is not good.

If the unit is not in a particularly dry environment, please pull out the extended drainage straw (thin black pipe) from the drainage channel. This will lower the water level and will prevent of over humidity and Condensation.

Ofer, can you please elaborate on this?


At the bottom of the fridge there is a socket which collects water. Inside is a thin black tube. If you remove this tube the water will flow out. This will reduce the humidity in the fridge.

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