Congruence Wines - Ready to Drink Cabs

I ordered the 2010 without a problem.

The problem seems to be shipping state specific, so if you’re having a problem, it’s because of that. Unless you are in one of the six states listed above, we can work around the issue. Just drop me an email. If I don’t get to you today, I will tomorrow.

Thanks for all the support. I’ll be heading out to Cali for wine work tomorrow for a few days, so if I haven’t gotten to you yet, I will next week. Thanks again!

Congruence in da house!! Mine arrived just now.

Enjoy! Thank you! And please share your impressions!

Nice! I can’t wait for my 4-pack to show up!

Mine just arrived on my doorstep… Not the best weather to be delivering in, and luckily my wife was home (I’m working until 8pm) as UPS just left it on the porch and didn’t ring the doorbell… It’s 23 here and snowing to beat the band…

My fulfillment center on the west coast has been wildly inconsistent with its hold policies. [swearing.gif] Sorry about that. Any concerns, please let me know.

Btw, if you would like to be added to my email list (sort of a combination of news/infrequent blog posts), you can either shoot me an email at or use my mailing list tool on

Um, our bottles are GONE already…

Nice. champagne.gif

Late to the party, but is this deal still on?