Dauvissat - Premox?

Although some folks seem to be extremely lucky, I don’t think there’s much doubt that Premox is a problem with Dauvissat wines. I’ve asked Tanzer, and subsequently Galloni (both via the Vinous wine board) to address this with the estate when they review the wines, but have never heard back whether they did it, and whether the estate responded. Now I guess we’ll be on to Neal Martin, so we should start working on him. Or, if anyone here has communication with the producer, perhaps they can ask. I suppose one could just send an email… Perhaps I’ll try that.

I’ve had it occur after 3 years so I watch carefully. Usually it’s after 5 years but not always.

I’ve encountered pox in various Dauvissat bottlings in the following vintages, but only 4 have been over 20% of the bottles as marked below:
1996 - a lot
2000 - a lot
2002 - a lot
2008 - a lot

My 2001s, 2004s, 2007s, 2010s, 2012s, 2014s, 2017s have been ok so far.

I love the wines and still have quite a lot.

50 degree cellar.


This. And I suspect the rates on 1996 and 2000 were much higher than 20%.

I bought 3 bottles of 2009 Forest. I took the first one to a wine dinner as a backup for a pre-DIAM Fevre a couple of years ago. The Fevre was horribly oxidized, the Dauvissat shone gloriously.

I opened the second one last night. Oxidized to the point of not being enjoyable (glad I brought a backup), but a much milder case than the Fevre in the example above.

The third still rests in my cellar.

My first ever run-in with premox was with a 1996 Dauvissat Clos at The Square in London in 2002. The sommelier was as surprised as me and changed the bottle immediately. Another Clos ‘96, this one perfect…

I only ask because your premox incidence of 1.5% is so much lower than what I have experienced and what many others had
Ve reported…both with Dauvissat specifically and with white Burgundies not under DIAM in general.

New single data point. Drinking a 2010 Forest that is literally perfect.

I had an 08 Forest last week that was also perfect - but also had a wax capsule.

As John Stimson reported here after our last tasting (Northern Rhône with Chablis starter), the 2007 and 2008 Dauvissat Clos he brought were both premoxed. The 2009 was fresh and delicious, even given the less than “classic” year.

This had a wax capsule.

Wax does seem to forestall premox somewhat, but diam would likely do far better. I remain puzzled why Dauvissat doesn’t acknowledge their premox problems and make the switch to diam, which seems to have been remarkably successful at Fevre.

What premox?

Dauvissat Forest 2012 from mag from my cellar was very fine two weeks ago, but then again, I still have to meet my first premox’ed Dauvissat.

I bought a case of 2007. Still have one bottle left. They were scarfed down pretty fast.

Got a 14 La Forest lined up for the weekend. Thanks Brodie.

Had 07 Preuses and 07 Clos last night at a restaurant. Both quite powerful wines, no sign of premox even if I believe the colors to be a bit more golden than I expected. Very different also, Clos being almost backward while Preuses was firing away from PnP.