De Negoce offer (Part 1)

Latest offer specifically… the thoughts that ran though my head…

-ABV high, risk , yet not a glaring red flag, more yellow.

-Cab Franc, I likee.

-Hughes, good name in my book.

-Price. not too shabby.

-Stagecoach, good pedigree

I’ve done worst with change in my car.

Would love to try some but hard to pull the trigger on 12 bottles of unknown wine no matter how cheap the price.

I am in for a case …I mean 12 a bottle…? Love Cab Franc…

My cousin is buying 1/2 the case.

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Please point out where I hoped it was Screaming Eagle for $5.


wait. this whole concept is garagiste mystery wines but min purchase is a case? Thats a hard no for me.

nah, it’s not that. it’s supposed to be an even greater value than garagiste mystery which is not private label.

Exactly. And that’s good economics, sharing a case with someone. I should do that more myself.

Yet a case is no big deal at this price. If its not my cup of tea, the remainder end up as gifts for others to give a spin, or just give-aways for obligatory life events when social distancing becomes a punch line.

Comparing with my prior purchase, 2 aged Barolos at 60 a pop for 120 (WTSO thread, not a bad deal), and then 12 of these at a buck forty four. Its not like its 30 - 50 a bottle grape juice where I think on it a bit more.

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I think its more of a Kirkland Signature but by the case & thus cheaper. Typical KS napa runs ~$20. These are under $15 so far.

Yah I think that’s a better example but even then there are multiple middle men…here it’s straight to consumer. Hasn’t even been bottled yet. Takes our $, bottles, ships. Which is why $10-$15 instead of $20-$25.

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Meanwhile this offer has been deleted, no longer appears on the website. Probably an error.

Still there for me …

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Now back

I just bought a case, I’m three for three on his offers, I’m an importer and distributor of fine imported wines. Therefore, I thought this was a great entry into Napa wines at incredible prices. Best of luck to Cameron on his team on the new endeavor

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I’m a buyer.
The one thing I am a bit puzzled by, though, is the statement that they will store the wine for cool weather shipping, but for a fee.
I have purchased wines at all times of the year, from sellers ranging from very large retail outlets to very small independent wineries. In all cases, they are happy to hold the wine at no charge.

Benchmark charges a fee if they hold for more than a month. I really like them, but they do charge for extended holding.

The business seems predicated on low margins + never really holding inventory. If the margins are low enough, having to hold wine — especially since they only sell by the case, and about half the country is now too hot for ground shipping — could turn an offer negative pretty quickly.

yah makes sense to me

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Yeah, I suppose you are correct. I am used to the “traditional“ retail model, but that is not his operation. Very good point.

It would be nice if there was a bit more clarity on the fees for the various shipping and storage options. For me, ground shipping isn’t an option for probably 6 months. Paying for air or cold-chain shipping, or monthly storage to hold until the shipping window opens could change the whole value proposition for these offers.

They have never charged me and they have held wines for several months for me.