Dinner Tonight 08/14/2013

Is breakfast water sparkling or still?

I had two this morning, actually.

Water was still from the Brita Filter Pitcher.

If you start reporting on what Kristi eats as well the coup will be complete.

She had a fried egg with Kenya AA coffee this morning.


I’m a scrambled/Guatemala Antigua man myself. You know, for when you start inviting visitors to the new digs.

Margaritas at Maria’s.

Why did you ruin those lovely meatcicles by putting them on top of that green stuff?

Visitors will be welcome starting in late October once we start getting appropriate furnishings.

I will make a my version of frittata (pancetta optional) for close friends.

Sadly, the optional pancetta doesn’t work for me.

Oh wait, you said friends. Never mind.

No leave it on, leave it on [wow.gif]

not following your own rules anymore?



[wow.gif] [snort.gif]

I don’t recall ever stating that I bought them.

So you got something for free…

Possibly. But, I am not running www.cookieberserkers.com with the intent on monetizing my venture.

no good.
We need the time of the meal 0800 hours and no pictures neener

I will do better in the morning.

Like an idiot I clicked the link. Nothing. Sigh.

Would cookieberserkers have a politics forum? An epicurean exploits forum is obvious, but I’d like a condiments subforum and another for grilled meats.

Just wait until you see what I have on deck for tonight. Blow your mind kinda good.


with military precision, I look forward to your meals.
And a big YES on the pancetta frittata for moi.

I’m pretty sure the NSFW forum is implied by the name…