drinking times for Bordeaux and CA Cab


Drinking windows are really hard in Roussillon, with vineyards ranging from 2 to 2000 feet above sea level!?!

But here I go:

2007 - the best are still wonderful, but probably not many that will improve.
2008 - Still heading up for the best, most anything should still be good.
2009 - At peak for the best, past peak for the rest, but most should still be sound.
2010 - Fahgeddaboudit. But there may be exceptions.
2011 - Most if not all should be drunk soon.
2012 - Underrated and built to last. My own top bottling is still improving, I expect peak in ~5 years, but I don’t have a long track record.
2013 - Basics should be drunk up, anything above should still be improving.
2014 - Almost everything should be mature.
2015 - A fine vintage, but not up to the hype. Probably all but the best should be drunk in the next 5 years.
2016 - Most are mature, drink the best over the next 5 years.
2017 - I haven’t tasted widely enough to judge. As to my own wines, basic will peak in a year or two, the top bottling about 2025.
2018 - Can’t judge or comment on this or 2019. I wanted to make a top bottling, decided against it, haven’t even finalized the blend(s) yet.

Dan Kravitz

You know, when I first read the title for this thread, my answer was 2-3 hours.

I can appreciate your not understanding. If it helps at all, i have enough Burgundy to enjoy & get me through. More Brdx for you.

Dan, thanks for your thoughts.

We are still drinking Cali cabs from the 70’s, but the style from then to now is so different I don’t trust the newer ones to last.


I hear you loud and clear. There can be differences between the longevity of 11.5% wines and 15.5% wines from the same vineyard! 40 years apart.

And much as I hate to say it, I’m not sure what they are.

I’m not buying Napa Cabernets today to lay down for 30 - 40 years:
a) They cost more than they used to, and
b) I would be over 100 years old when they are mature, and
c) I can’t even assume that my heirs will be able to sell them for a profit

Dan Kravitz