FedEx Just Delivered Wine and .....

Hmmm. Maybe you could tutor me on how to buy groceries and cook a meal? Because obviously only someone incapable of doing those things would order take out.

I am concerned about the ongoing viability of the restaurants and small businesses in the community, so I consulted the views of, you know, actual virologists, communicable disease experts, and public health professionals. But maybe those who can’t do that research and who don’t care about those local businesses might not use that “option.”

Came to door and FEDEX driver knew me so he signed himself.

Same issues with groceries. The guy who racked the produce or stocked the shelves could have C-19. WASH YOUR HANDS! I don’t wear gloves, because I can’t figure out the advantage if you WASH YOUR HANDS

Every time I leave the grocery store, I stop in the John and WASH MY HANDS. Pick up or delivered foods? WASH MY HANDS

Drivers are busting their tail right now under crazy conditions and literally risking their lives so people can get what they need / want. This is the exact opposite time I’d rat out a driver for not getting a signature.


To each their own, but I just don’t get your logic if there was a verbal/visual acknowledgment of the delivery .

Neal, I wasn’t insinuating you don’t know how to buy groceries or cook. As one who drinks vintage Bordeaux, I’m highly confident you know how to cook a meal. I was stating that those who can’t buy groceries for various reasons nor have the means to cook a meal only have an option of Door Dash. [truce.gif] I’m sure those in the profession of virology, communicable disease and public health pro’s would agree that buying your own food and cooking it is less risk than a restaurant cooking your food and someone else delivering it. Nonetheless, safety be with you and hope we all get out of this healthy [cheers.gif]

Fedex driver dropped the boxes at the door, left when he saw me open the door.

Fedex came by, I started walking toward the truck, and he split before I could approach. “Delivery exception - delivery requires signature from an adult.” He didn’t even get out of the truck. Oh well - weird times, can’t complain, and I’ll be here tomorrow of course.

We’ve used Door Dash for the last 5 days to support our local restaurants. Five different drivers and every one of them had gloves on. So did we. Got two deliveries of cigars and three deliveries of wine. Wearing gloves, we’ve sprayed and wiped the boxes with alcohol, removed the contents and discarded the packaging boxes. Had to sign for one wine delivery but none of the UPS or Door Dash deliveries.

Viruses are not bacteria. You appear to know nothing about how viruses grow and spread. Please educate yourself before spreading incorrect information further.

Door bell rang, FedEx guy was almost back in his truck before I opened the door.

FedEx showed up, made me sign for it. At least the wine was in good condition, always something to look forward to when it is from Vincent!

My living doorbells alerted me to the FedEx truck pulling up, I went on my lower balcony and the FedEx guys just asked for my first and last name and they signed for me. I’m very pleased with how it went everything considered.

Pat, I was stating it was sketchy eating restaurant food from delivery such as Door Dash. I thought that was an opinion, not spreading info yeah? Sorry I wandered off this whole thread subject!!!

I had to sign today.

In NY, people can ride buses for free because they’re opening only the back doors in order to protect drivers. Same principle. You lose some fares = the occasional package goes to the wrong place.

thank you FedEx and UPS

Is everyone wiping down their packages

Up and down.