Thanks Martin and great pictures. Did you get the skin crunchy just at the constant 150? I tend to do a 30-40 minute blast at the start at 250 before turning down. Also, do I have it right you didn’t use oil on the pork? I need to try that.


my skin was okay, but clearly not perfect. In my view I made 2 little mistakes. But despite the not perfect skin, the dish was great because of the meat taste, spice and juiceness.

First, the skin was really not criss-crossed as it should be. On the countryside I had not my scalpel at my disposal or a carpet cutter.

Second, I used oil before I added the rub. Afterwards I thought how stupid I was, as the skin should be completely dry. Fair to say I will find out next time whether it was such a mistake. So, I didn’t mention the oil.

My wife wanted more pork belly, normally she is not a fan of it. Bottom-line this dish was a success. [dance2.gif]


P.S. I used organic DUROC pig. These pigs live outside and receive good food.

Thanks for the clarification. My teenage son loves pork belly and making it (did his first solo when he was 11) so I shall mobilise him to feed the rest of us again soon with this recipe :slight_smile:.

be careful, I think that kids don‘t like spices like fennel seeds and coriander seeds. But maybe this is a new generation.

P.S. in general I find the skin a bit overrated. Of course, a crunchy crust is nice, but I see the whole product. Also in Germany, everyone says the skin is the best part of the pork belly, I don’t share this view. Maybe the most people buy cheap pork which taste nothing. I am remembering when I tasted my first organic pork around 30 years ago, I was blown away by the taste.

Here a video-tutorial (in german!) for the perfect skin. Key elements, resting in the fridge for a few hours, put holes in the skin, using vinegar and a lot of sea-salt.

1h by 180C and 20-25min by 230C

Another way of cooking pork belly: