*Flannery Beef* Back Again!

I don’t eat much red meat at home but when I do, its Flannery. I actually went back in for more when I saw how small my discounted total was.

Thank you Bryan and Katie!

I was hoping burger blends and rip caps would be on sale but not really thinking the rib caps would be. I’m happy and ordered a mixture of stuff. Hangers with some grilled peppers and onions is unbelievable.

As always, thanks Bryan & Katie, you’re the best. Maybe post a picture of your little one Katie.

Holy moly you guys are going nuts for hangers. You know it’s serious when Dad stops answering his cell to go into the cutting room! ha!


Teddy enjoying his first 130-day Ribeye, lol. I cooked one up last night to make sure they weren’t too gamey. I was really surprised; not as funky as i would thought, but a totally new texture to it. Almost filet-like, really smooth. Also a bit deceiving when cooking; thought i had overcooked based on the touch test, but it was actually perfect rare. (I cooked teddy’s piece well done… figure we’ll get him to rare eventually lol)


I kept getting a code fail message. Ordered anyway.

Andrew, I e-mailed sales about not being able to use the code either.

We’re keeping track of everyone who had trouble w/ the code, so don’t worry, we’ll get it all fixed on our end :slight_smile:
Sorry for hassle!



Thanks Katie!

Order placed, love these guys

Loaded up on hanger steaks. Bryan’s BD deal makes it impossible to pass up.
And the the steaks are one of my “gives” to my wife to justify all the time I spend on wine deals. Win win.

No worries. Thanks.

code not working. i’ll try again later.

Hmm, when I click the link to order, it doesn’t bring up the site, just an error message:
“There has been an error processing your request

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: be326fedc919185d84287b38b9009f80d9a7145a49ca3de70b2cf0715e5dfcaa“

Any suggestions?

I ordered somewhat successfully around an hour ago but don’t think the code worked. I got to the order confirmation page but haven’t seen an email confirmation and now the whole site seems to be wrecked.

Seems like you may be having a website issue (perhaps too many orders!!). I got 80% done placing an order and everything froze.

Server got overloaded! Good news about us having a killer web team now is that they jumped right on, and it’s back up and running.

As per his note to me: they’re not going to make any changes to the server since we’re right in the middle of the sale, they’re going to stay tuned through the next few days to jump right on it if we see anything go wonky again


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The crazy thing is that I actually increased our server bandwidth last week, knowing that we would see a spike during BerserkerDay. I underestimated how much we’d need!!!


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Working on a cart but site won’t let me log in
(Invalid form key)

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Ordered! Thanks Bryan and Katie!