Freaky Friday: On a Night Where Jay Hack and Alfert Share Palates at Bern's

No need. I was in his hotel room, awaiting his arrival.

Don’t people normally post a pic on Tinder afterward?

Robert- I was there Thurs and Friday night with a couple Berserkers as well!
Wish we’d known, would have shared a glass or two with you!
Looks like you had a good time.

Robert is actually a huge fan of Zumba

The Delas1983 is still going strong; clear winner when served blind against the Jaboulet ands slightly
substandard Chave

Cannot get the idea out of my head of the comparison of Jay and Jamie Lee Curtis.

No judgment of course, but you might want to be cautious admitting that on a public forum.



Also, Jamie Lee Curtis has bared her breasts on screen, I am very hopeful that Jay never does.

You can play Kramer.

The Bro!