Game Changer Corkscrew - 5 bucks from Ebay!

Nakedness should occur after the wine.

Stealing my idea to retrieve dropped corks?

Here are the early versions probably older than many Berserkers!
My father liked wine back in 50’s and collected corkscrews along the way which I now have. Too busy to google them right now…

OK. Obviously I was being a bit tongue in cheek, I’ve only uses it once after all, but I’m glad I started this thread. The device seems a bit hit and miss (true for all cork screws to one degree or another.) I guess with experience I’ll learn when to use it and when to be careful. TBH I’ve had so many corks break or crumble recently, I need a new strategy. Whether this will work and how well it remains to be seen.

Thanks for all your input!

I still have my Corky from Brookstone. Probably 20 years old. I used it a couple of times back then and then stopped as it took too long to build the pressure vs corkscrew and didn’t have the satisfying sound of pulling out the cork. On the bright side it has been an awesome soccer ball pump for ages.

If you wet the needle enough, suppose you could just use one of these…

Thanks. Our son’s in-laws have one of those (with a blue light inside it). My wife says she’s “not there yet”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::roll_eyes:

I started using it to open a bottle and then stopped as I was scared it might explode or squirt…

I remember hearing that and wondering how it could be true. We had one of these back in the 1990s if I recall correctly. I have no idea where it is or what happened to it. My in-laws acquired stuff like that from friends. They also had this thing with a string that you pulled and somehow that extracted the cork. That’s gone too.

Hey mister–this is a family forum.
[wink.gif] champagne.gif

I nominate David for early candidate for POTY.