In praise of buying single btls

The issue with a single bottle is you have to be perfect on the age, decant time, serving temp, not corked…

An experienced drinker can get around any of those except corked, cooked or other flaws, save maybe picking the perfect time for some Burgundies. There is no getting around a bad bottle, not liking the wine (which can be a plus) and the wine becoming one’s new favorite (a negative if one cannot backfill, or cannot do so at a reasonable price). Cost and storage space being no object, it is hard to argue against collecting everything in multiple-case quantities and multiple formats rather than single bottles, of course…

With the thousands of bottles of wine I’ve consumed, I still usually learn something from each one. Perfect I am not.

Kirk - sadly I don’t think you can. I dumped my entire collection to Excel, then massaged with some formulas. Took a few minutes, but I use these tools a lot for work.