It's been too long! Pizza!

Well for starters the dough fought me like crazy and wouldn’t roll/layout properly. So the shape was crazy

Burratta was high moisture so there was some water on the pizza even after it settled. It was better for leftovers the next day

ahhh, gotcha. I always place my burrata ball (and big clumps) on some paper towel before using, to help ameliorate that moisture problem. I find it helps a lot. Of course, there’s no avoiding the fact that burrata is inherently packed with moisture throughout.

makes sense. this was literally the first time I’ve purchased/used buratta in a recipe. And I was in a rush, frustrated with the dough not playing along, then I open the buratta tub, I knew there was liquid in the tub but yeah the cheese had a ton too, I just glopped it on there and went for it. Live and learn :slight_smile:

I think I’d let it dry a little on a paper towel next time before plopping it down on the pizza.

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I usually place it on a paper towel folded back on itself once or twice. Sometimes need to go through a few paper towels. It’s one of the first things I do in my toppings prep., to allow as much time as possible for moisture wicking. :slight_smile:

I do the same with tomatoes and olives. not super important with the olives; I find it meaningful with the tomatoes.


guess ill have to give it a second shot! such an issue…

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I don’t use burrata all that often, but generally smear it on crostini or bruschetta rather than throw it on a pie.

Not really pizza but the similarities are there. This is a Megruli Kachapuri made in the Ooni. There are many styles in Georgia and my introduction was the one that is an open face boat shape. This one has a cheese and egg layer in the middle and then cheese on the top.


Still celebrating the return of our daughter and son-in-law to Mt P. We added my brother and his wife to the evening on the patio with my Ooni and lots of Thermacells.

Start with Pork Belly Rillettes with Asian spices

Thai chicken, infused tofu, basil, tomato concassé

Pulled pork, lowcountry “XO” Q sauce, Asiago, collard chips

Duck prosciutto, caramelized Vidalias, chèvre, micro arugula

Steak tataki, garlic/mushroom oil, shiitake, Parm, crispy shallots, garlic chives

(no pics)
Also did a mac salad with Furikake and sous-vide shrimp
Blackberry/sour cream pie (went berry picking Thu/made a batch of jam Fri)


I really was interested in the Ooni Max, but I just bought the Koda 16, so I couldn’t justify another pizza oven.

I put a steel in the Koda and in the summer… no need. Holy F, it gets too hot too fast.

New pizza oven by Ooni

First review

No thoughts on the oven, but you gotta admire the person who can stretch and manage a 24” pie !

Now you can cook 3 Pizzas, not bad.

I’ll second that. I have the 16 and one thing useful about it is putting smaller (10" to 12") heavily loaded pies in and being able to keep them back away from the burners for a bit while the toppings come together. Then if needed at the end, a quick push to front can give the final finish. You do need to work with the burner being at a very low setting. I know this isn’t what the Ooni’s are known for but when you grew up in the original hometown of Shakey’s Pizza, sometimes you like to make pies with lots of topping.

First set of wood oven pizzas in 18 months. Chinese roast duck meat over a pesto base. Add fresh mozz, sauteed shiitake, bake at 880F for 90 seconds, then pull and add reserved duck skin for 10 more seconds. Drizzled with natural duck juices and a bit of the restaurant’s sweet orange sauce. Calabrian hot chili oil optional.


Cuttlefish ink dough, eggplant cream, fior de latte, and more . At Cartapaglia Pizza and Gin in Desenzano del Garda the other night. Yum


I recalibrated myself and started remembering what I thought I learned through my journey. Once I returned to ‘00’ flour for my Solo Pi oven all was good in the world (almost).

95 seconds, spinning every 10 seconds I hit the ‘sweet spot’ once again. The oven is amazing when you follow what you need to do. 40 minute preheat, spin often, pay attention to the back of the pizza.

I just recently found a source for my favorite tomatoes which makes a difference. During the pandemic I did some research on which tomatoes Da Michele in Naples uses. I found them deep in a video of their self promotion. This is the never before seen 14 oz can and I cleaned them out!

I used the K.I.S.S. method and followed the ‘less is more’ theory to arrive back in pizza xanadu.


4 pies last night:

Pepperoni and Cheese

Pepperoni and Cheese

Chorizo, red onion, jalapeno, cilantro, cheese blend, and a dusting of sazon seasoning.

Heirloom tomato, burrata, bacon, dill pickle


Heirloom tomato, burrata and basil before arugula…

… and after

Mexican pizza (which is probably really more like a tostada), with refried beans on the crust, Sazon seasoning, cheese, cilantro, taco meat, black olives, and red onion, with last little bit of pizza sauce on top, augmented with some taco sauce on top.


Mexican pizza: Huitlacoche, epazote, Oaxaca cheese, manchego (Mexican).


Very nice. Hehe, every time I see huitlacoche I ask myself who in their right mind so many generations ago said, “Yeah, that looks tasty, let’s eat THAT!”