January 2015 Gononathon II - NYC

PM’s have been sent to folks who have expressed interest - so we’ll see if we can make a go of the 30th.

Diane, Suzanne, any good restaurant ideas? I know you two know all the best places. :slight_smile:

I likely have another dinner on the 30th. Most Friday nights in January are tough for me, but most other nights are ok!

Sorry, I’m out, I’ll actually be in the Rhone on the 30th, funny enough. Have fun!

Ugh. I’d forgotten how frustrating getting a group of busy people together can be.

If you still need a body to fill a table I’ll be in the city on the 30th for Rieslingfeier the following day.
Only have 10-12 St J, 11 Chasselas, 11 Les Iles Feray

That’s going to be an unpredictable week for me. I might be able to make it, but probably won’t know until the last minute.

Cancelled due to crazy schedules