Leo's Blind Tasting Club - Summary Schedule

Curious, how many wines are typically served at these dinners?

depends on the size of the group.
I served 13 wines for 11 in attendance


First post on berzerker. I did send an e-mail to Gil. I would be glad to host the September tasting or if there is a cancellation, any of the Jan - June tastings.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Just a preliminary note on March 2011. We are having a lot of trouble coming up with a line up because every time Rebecca and I discuss it, we come up with a different flight of three wines we want to have. So far, I think we have about 10 flights, which obviously will not work. I’m going to go to work finding a restaurant (I’m trying to avoid the usual suspects) amd then I’ll post a thread.

I’ll also sign up for Sept. 2011.

I’d love to get on the invite list if there is room for any of the dinners, especially in Westchester.

Ross: The next one is in Westchester but to sign up you need to go on the thread for that particular month. There should be one now for “Leo’s Blind Tasting Club-December” and future ones will be put out by the host/hostess for the upcoming months.

Got it…thanks

Salil -

Is there a reason you offered to sign up for next September two posts after Jeremy made the same request? (other than, potentially, not reading the other posts in the thread)?

I am inclined to give him “first dibs” since that will be the first time he hosts.

  • Gil

Scrolled too quickly. blush But if that’s taken, put me down for October. I’ll most likely be travelling for research during June/July/August, so can’t take anything in the summer.

You don’t want to do the first one before you start worrying about the second? There are plenty of us not yet signed up for round 2.

Hope to see you in a couple of weeks (less, actually).


Put me down for Nov 2011.



so long as this is the official summary thread I was wondering if we could get the original dinners added onto the list as well as a form of history?

IIRC the first three were Leo, me, then Greg but I don’t remember what month they started last year or who came after that.

David Lazer was July
Jay Hack was June
Ben Goldberg was May
Cheryl Mills was in April
Greg del Piaz was March
Jay Miller was February
Leo January

Thanks Leo!

So it’s been well over a year. Thank you again for getting this going!

Post #1 has been updated to reflect the history as well as future events.

Since my minor procedure/major abdominal surgery (what they called it the night before/what they called it the day after) necessitated the cancelling of the March dinner, I am fishing for an alternate date. I would like to see how people feel about Wednesday, September 15, 2011. It’s my 60th birthday and would certainly justify pulling out all the stops for some completely ridiculous wine I have burried in the hidden reaches of the cellar. And it would give me an excuse to go with something silly, like 6 flights of 3 wines each just to make sure we had a full opportunity to taste at least one bottle that each of you might like.

Hi Jay,

I just realized that you might not be checking your email very frequently post-operation so I thought I’d post here as well since I haven’t heard back yet. Please let me know if you know yet whether you and/or Rebecca will be able to make my blind dinner on May 1.

I realize you’re probably still recovering so if you can’t decide yet just let me know that and I’ll hold the spaces for you.



I’m hosting the July dinner, so need to find a date. How does Monday, July 11 work for you? Feel free to email your response.



Amazingly, every response to my Monday, July 11 proposal was positive – so the date is decided. Please mark your calendars.

Here is the list of respondents:

  1. Ben
  2. Jeff L.
  3. David
  4. Caroline
  5. Suzanne
  6. Gil
  7. Josh
  8. Jay M.
  9. Mark
  10. Jeremy

Let’s set a limit of 11, with the last place held for Leo (as our founder).
