Limited offering from Myriad for Loyal Buyers category

Damn, I was driving when I saw the offer yesterday and forgot to make the purchase. Was hoping to order 3 Elysians and now they’re out :frowning:

I got some of the cabs… love these wines (and the Quivets). Fun/tasty to drink and my friends love them.


I finally purchased my first Elysian. Pats self on back. [whistle.gif]

Very interested in the rose (in addition to the cabs, of course)! I don’t think I have ever had a rose made by Mike Smith. We go through a lot of rose year round here in Florida.

Offer Tuesday was 4/4 for the two cabernets. Took 2 and 4 Elysian.

Mike has done a few Rosé in the past for Salt Vine where he picked at low brix. It’s been really good. I’d expect this to be bright and vervy like the others.

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Sounds great to me. (I did not ever have the Salt Vine rose.)

I think you’ll like it.

I’m not the biggest rosé drinker but the fullness of the flavor, almost a meaty-ness for a rosé was a pleasant surprise compared to the typical lighter, thinner rosés.

Definitely a winner during summer heat.

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