LIVE THIS SATURDAY! Video Chat with Marc Hochar of Chateau Musar

Yup, we won’t be able to tech support you during the event, buddy

Is Marc calling in from Germany? If so, nice of him to do it late his time.

He is indeed. Wasn’t easy trying to find a time we thought would work for all involved, but this was the best we came up with…

That’s incredibly kind of him. Can’t wait!

I’ve got 30 ‘going or interested’ on the Facebook posting of this event, 26 more here, so I’ll DEFINITELY be muting everyone and will spell out the rules/instructions when I post the link

I am interested please!

I am Zoom ready. This is literally the highlight of my week.

Are people planning to open/drink Musar during the call?

I am. Probably a 2001 red.

I hope they do!!

(wish I had some!)

OP updated with rules and schedule - please make note of them before you join tomorrow

Can’t wait for this Todd - thank you for organizing this!

Pulled a 93 for this

Would love to join mostly just to listen in.

Seems like a good time to open my last 1995.

I would like to check this out!

Really looking forward to this. Thanks, Todd, for setting up!

Tech question - You will post a link in this thread to join the Zoom meeting, correct?

Wine question (since I can’t ask Marc this in advance) - I’ll open a '99 rouge for the event - I’m heading down now to pull the cork and stand the bottle up. What do our Musar pros suggest for decanting, if any?

Looking forward to this - thanks to all involved!

Yes, updated the OP with the link

Thanks, Todd! [cheers.gif]