Looking at two new functions with software update (POLL)

To me they are the same. The key is have it on POSTS. Not just thread level.

Todd, wouldn’t the sharing be at the discretion of the person that starts the thread, or are you saying that someone that responds can ‘share’?

Someone who wants to share a post on social media can do so via the quick links. One can do that already, copy/paste the URL, but this makes it one-click easy

I understand that, as well as the presence of bots on this site and the fact that there are myriad ways data is collected from everywhere online and aggregated. Still, I don’t like the idea of making personal data collection even easier and flat-out encouraging members here to be a part of it, when their choices would be impacting those of us who try to limit (note I didn’t say minimize, as I do take part here) such things. I think this is a more serious issue than almost anyone truly knows.

I also don’t want the like/dislike function because I think that would make this site too much like the widely popular social media platforms. I avoid those for reasons beyond what I said above, mainly that the nature of social interaction on them is largely negative (and I like it here, so I’m obviously not a “sensitive” type). I know it seems like a small change, but I believe it is not in what it might do to the overall nature of discussion here. I care less about this than I do about the social media sharing function, though.

Maybe not even subtle, even if it might be difficult to recognize the correlation.

You mean Todd doesn’t already have Facebook Pixel installed? I’d up-vote this post if I could. [stirthepothal.gif]

As we know from the internet and cable tv world around us these days, the way people win the likes/clicks/ratings beauty contest is usually not by being the most thoughtful, original, or by making the most positive contribution to the community. It’s usually about heat rather than light.

If we just had our same board, but added likes, I’d be okay with that. It’s nice to acknowledge a good post without having to reply post “+1” or something. And if you didn’t have any of the sorting or rankings or anything deriving from the Like count, it probably wouldn’t distort the way people post much.

I am a big fan of the like function.

I run a private board that uses phpBB and we have the like feature and it is great. However, I have the dislike and thread rating feature turned off. That way the popularity contest is lessened a bit. Also, I read the board a ton but don’t always much to add. I would like to reward the posts I enjoy with a like rather than a quote, and thank you, which I don’t do. Much more simple and could actually create more engagement.

1 Like

Down with this

+1 or Like or whatever similar

Thank you.



Well, a “thanks” button would also be good . . .

Do you flag Strava segments as “unsafe” when you lose a KOM too?

I retake them! It’s a challenge.

100% on point.

Seems like this community works, and has worked, exceedingly well for a very long time. If it ain’t broke…

This point keeps being addressed, and it keeps getting ignored. There are good reasons to despise facebook and to want to keep one’s name far away from it. And to the Clueless out there, despising facebook has nothing to do with being a “Luddite” (consult a dictionary, goofball).

If you add a button making it “easy to share” something, you are of course encouraging people to glibly use that button – when it would not be worth the bother to cut and paste 90+% of what they would otherwise share without the “easy” button.

Being afraid of being having one’s name on popular social media platforms certainly falls under the category of “a person opposed to new technology or ways of working”. Pretending not having a button to carry out that task is a shield against it is only doubling down on that fear.

Ease of sharing information defines the internet. It has since Hypertext Markup Language caused it’s explosion in personal and commercial use. All of us are posting on a completely public forum. The lack of modern features isn’t keeping you from being searched and seen.