MacDonald release is imminent!!!

I’m more than happy to get a fourth bottle at cost from you. [wow.gif]

I am sure you would, but your overlord doesn’t approve. Nice try

Not reading the thread, but in case no one has previously posted the exact date, I am pleased to announce that in honor of the fact that I might have been the second person on the MacDonald list (Dentice was first but we were only minutes apart), this year the offer will be released on my auspicious 69th Birthday, September 15.

All the more reason to celebrate Jay!

Happy Early Birthday!

Cant wait or order my 3 pack. Wonder if there is a wishlist…


Usually when somebody says “imminent” it’s in relation to a disaster coming 'round the corner…

A disaster to my wallet but a delight to my palate.

I’ll pull a cork or two anyone wants to visit SW OR.

Happy Birthday, Schlemiel! [snort.gif]


I suspect your house has smoke taint. I hope you three are okay down there.
WA state just warned that the winds shifted and a dense cloud is heading our way tomorrow. There goes my mountain biking plans for the weekend.
Stay safe,

I’m working on the edge of a Holocaust this weekend, Stayton, OR.

Nebulizer time.

This could be arranged. [cheers.gif]

If anybody wants to bring them to my front door in San Diego, I’d gladly drink them.

Dream on ! [wow.gif] [cheers.gif]

Many of us in SD are on the list. Just gotta drink with the right people

yes you do.


Hi guys! Let me know when you want to drop some off at my house. Thanks! :wink:

Got the letter yesterday in the mail.

I definitely applaud Alex and Graeme for standing up against Constellation and hope that Constellation doesn’t actually succeed in getting the historical landmark of To Kalon “erased” since it would be a big blow to all of the Napa Valley vintners that made To Kalon vineyard the sense of place that it has today.

Imagine them bottling a “highest beauty” Malbec from Argentina and labeling it as To Kalon… [scratch.gif]